Sunday, 29 September 2013



  Oh Angels,
Thou emerge from heavens
By the will of the God Almighty
To serve the disabled who
Battle in crisis with ill fate
Who fell ill and couch.
All of sudden
Doomed down to the hell
While wandering
 In   the Garden of  Eden.
Thou bring them light
When they are in dark despair
Thou keep the sprouted
Aspirations alive
Deep in their hearts
By sprinkling nectar drops
Like spring rain shower
With your eyes   which
 Shed   enormous
Sympathy and empathy
The magic tender fingers
Give hope and
Enable back to move
The hands of Godly
En cradle and save in critical
The voice so sweet and Fondle
The warmth whispers
Are dear like the mother’s
Near by baby in cradle
Thou stand like help line encourage
Move back   to   life
From cursed black blues
It’s   endear   in deep dreams
Visualize you for some snaps
Of   fair face glow
I bow down my head so low
So that in thank giving ultimate
For your noble service   unmatched
Which kept you on the
Top of the Mount Everest
And let you stand at first
Followed by   all   The rest.                      
     The end